# Title: Synthwave.ini # Author: TheOuterLinux (https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io) # Last updated: 2024/02/08 # Purpose: The following INI file is for styling Midnight Commander, a # free and open-source, command-line file manager. # Intallation: Place this file within the "/usr/share/mc/skins/" # directory. Next, open 'mc' in a terminal and go to # "Options --> Appearance..." and choose the "synthwave" # skin. [skin] description = synthwave [Lines] horiz = ─ vert = │ lefttop = ┌ righttop = ┐ leftbottom = └ rightbottom = ┘ topmiddle = ┬ bottommiddle = ┴ leftmiddle = ├ rightmiddle = ┤ cross = ┼ dhoriz = ─ dvert = │ dlefttop = ┌ drighttop = ┐ dleftbottom = └ drightbottom = ┘ dtopmiddle = ┬ dbottommiddle = ┴ dleftmiddle = ├ drightmiddle = ┤ [core] _default_ = lightgray;black selected = brightgreen;magenta marked = yellow;black markselect = yellow;magenta gauge = black;lightgray input = lightgray;black inputunchanged = gray;black inputmark = black;lightgray disabled = gray;black reverse = brown;black commandlinemark = black;lightgray header = lightgray;black inputhistory = commandhistory = shadow = gray;black [dialog] _default_ = yellow;black dfocus = white;magenta dhotnormal = brightblue;black dhotfocus = magenta;green dtitle = yellow;black [error] _default_ = red;black errdfocus = black;red errdhotnormal = brightred;black errdhotfocus = brown;red errdtitle = brown;black [filehighlight] directory = brightblue; executable = brightgreen; symlink = gray; hardlink = stalelink = brightred; device = brightmagenta; special = gray; core = red; temp = gray; archive = magenta; doc = lightgray; source = brightcyan; media = green; graph = cyan; database = brightred; [menu] _default_ = brightblue;black menusel = brightgreen;magenta menuhot = brightgreen;black menuhotsel = yellow;brightblue menuinactive = black;brightgreen [popupmenu] _default_ = lightgray;black menusel = yellow;brightblue menutitle = yellow;black [buttonbar] hotkey = lightgray;blue button = lightgray;black [statusbar] _default_ = lightgray;black [help] _default_ = lightgray;black helpitalic = red;black helpbold = yellow;black helplink = brightblue;black helpslink = brightgreen;magenta helptitle = yellow;black [editor] _default_ = lightgray;black editbold = brown;brightblue editmarked = black;cyan editwhitespace = lightgray;brightblue editlinestate = white;cyan bookmark = white;red bookmarkfound = black;green editrightmargin = brightblue;black # editbg = editframe = gray; editframeactive = lightgray; editframedrag = brightblue; [viewer] _default_ = lightgray;black viewbold = brown;blue viewunderline = brightred;blue viewselected = black;yellow [diffviewer] added = white;brown changedline = blue;cyan changednew = red;cyan changed = white;cyan removed = white;red error = red;lightgray [widget-panel] sort-up-char = ↑ sort-down-char = ↓ hiddenfiles-show-char = • hiddenfiles-hide-char = ○ history-prev-item-char = « history-next-item-char = » history-show-list-char = ^ filename-scroll-left-char = « filename-scroll-right-char = » [widget-editor] window-state-char = ↕ window-close-char = ✕