10 REM An intro written for the Acorn Electron 20 REM by TheOuterLinux 25 REM https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io 26 REM Last updated 2021/07/29 27 REM Discussion URL (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOuterLinux/comments/esgw3y/acorn_electron_introbbc/.compact 28 REM Discussion URL (LinuxQuestions): https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/blog/theouterlinux-1169710/theouterlinux-m-se-i486-distro-list-38287/#comments 29 30 CLS 40 MODE 0 50 60 REM Change the following variables as needed... 70 SCREENW=1280 80 SCREENH=1024 90 DETAIL=8 100 110 REM Do not edit below... 120 X=SCREENW/2 130 Y=SCREENH/2 140 KX=X/DETAIL 150 KY=Y/DETAIL 160 MOVE 0,Y 170 DRAW SCREENW, Y 180 MOVE X,Y 190 FOR I%=0 TO DETAIL 200 MOVE X,Y 210 DRAW KX*I%,0 220 MOVE X,Y 230 DRAW KX*I%*2,0 240 MOVE X,Y 250 DRAW X+KX*I%,0 260 MOVE X,Y 270 DRAW SCREENW,KY*I% 280 MOVE X,Y 290 DRAW 0,KY*I% 300 NEXT 310 Y=0 320 FOR I%=0 TO DETAIL*2 330 MOVE 0,Y+(KY*I%)/2 340 DRAW SCREENW, Y+(KY*I%)/2 350 NEXT 360 VDU 5 370 MOVE SCREENW/2-200,SCREENH/2+100 380 PRINT "THEOUTERLINUX PRESENTS..." 390 MOVE 0,SCREENH-1