Creating a list from a plain-text file in VBDOS... Add something similar to the following within the form that has the list box at form load (FORM.FRM:Form_Load)... OPEN "PATH\TO\LIST.TXT" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, LIST$ L% = LEN(LIST$) IF RIGHT(LIST$, 1) = CHR$(10) THEN LIST$ = LEFT$(LIST$, L% -1) END IF IF RIGHT$(LIST$, 1) = CHR$(13) THEN LIST$ = LEFT$(LIST$, L% - 1) END IF List_Example.ADDITEM LIST$ LOOP CLOSE #1 Doing it this way essentially keeps you from having to use DIM and can keep adding items to your list using a plain-text editor without also having to change the code. The CHR$(10) and CHR$(13) parts are for CRLF issues, aka Carriage Return and Line Feed. Most DOS text-editors use CR while Unix-like systems use CRLF.