FILEPATH$ = "PATH\TO\FILE.TXT" IF LEN(DIR$(FILEPATH$)) <> 0 THEN OPEN FILEPATH$ FOR INPUT AS #1 DO UNTIL EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, WORDS$ THETEXT$ = THETEXT$ + WORDS$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) LOOP CLOSE #1 L% = LEN(THETEXT$) - 2 THETEXT$ = LEFT$(THETEXT$, L%) TextBox_Example.Text = THETEXT$ END IF The above code reads text from "PATH\TO\FILE.TXT" and then outputs that text to a text-box (TextBox_Example). The "LEN(DIR$(FILEPATH$))" part checks to see if the file exists. The "CHR$(13) and CHR$(10)" parts insure that new-lines are printed. The "L%" and "LEFT$" parts act as "clean-up" because of the "CHR$" stuff. However, be aware that in programs like VBDOS, you can only have so much text in a text-box. I would not use this to display long README's or books unless you split them into short chapters.