The global user interface

When you start Game Maker the following form is shown:

(Actually, this is what you see when you run Game Maker in simple mode. In advanced mode a number of additional items are shown.) At the left, you see the different resources mentioned above: Sprites, Sounds, Backgrounds, Objects, Rooms and two more: Game Information and Global Game Settings. At the top there is the familiar menu and toolbar. In this chapter we will describe briefly the various menu items, buttons, etc. In the later chapters we discuss a number of them in detail. Note that many things can be achieved in different ways: by choosing a command from the menu, by clicking a button, or by right clicking on a resource.

File menu

In the file menu you can find some of the usual commands to load and save files, plus a few special ones:

Edit menu

The edit menu contains a number of commands that relate to the currently selected resource (object, sprite, sound, etc.). Depending on the type of resource some of the commands may not be available. Note that all these commands can also be given in a different way. Right- click on a resource or resource group, and the appropriate pop-up menu will appear.

Resources menu

In this menu, you can create new resources of each of the different types. Note that for each of them there is also a button on the toolbar and a keyboard shortcut.

Run menu

This menu is used to run the game. There are two ways to run a game. Once your game is finished, you can create a stand-alone executable of the game using the command in the file menu.

Window menu

In this menu you find some of the usual commands to manage the different property windows in the main form:

Help menu

Here you find some commands to help you:

The resource explorer

At the left of the main form you find the resource explorer. Here you will see a tree-like view of all resources in your game. It works in the same way as the Windows Explorer, and you are most likely familiar with it. If an item has a + sign in front of it you can click on the sign to see the resources inside it. By clicking on the - sign these disappear again. You can change the name of a resource (except the top level ones) by selecting it (with a single click) and then clicking on the name. Double click on a resource to edit its properties. Use the right mouse button to access the same commands as in the Edit menu.

You can change the order of the resources by clicking on them with the mouse and holding the mouse button pressed. Now you can drag the resource to the appropriate place. (Of course the place must be correct. You cannot drag a sound into the list of sprites.)

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