In the middle of the object property form there is a list of events to which the object must react. Initially it is empty. You can add events to it by pressing the button labeled Add Event. A form will appear with all different types of events. Here you select the event you want to add. Sometimes a menu pops up with extra choices. For example, for the keyboard event you must select the key. Below you find a complete list of the different events plus descriptions. One event in the list will be selected. This is the event we are currently changing. You can change the selected event by clicking on it. At the right there are all the actions represented by little icons. They are grouped in a number of tabbed pages. In the next chapter you will find descriptions of all the actions and what they do. Between the events and the actions there is the action list. This list contains the actions that must be performed for the current event. To add actions to the list, drag them with your mouse from the right to the list. They will be placed below each other, with a short description. For each action you will be asked to provide a few parameters. These will also be described in the next chapter. So after adding a few actions the situation might look as follows:
Now you can start adding actions to another event. Click on the correct event with the left mouse button to select it and drag actions in the list.
You can change the order of the actions in the list again using drag-and-drop. If you hold the <Alt> key while dragging, you make a copy of the action. You can even use drag-and-drop between action lists for different objects. When you click with the right mouse button on an action, a menu appears in which you can delete the selected action (can also be done by using the <Del> key) or copy and paste actions. (You can select multiple actions for cutting, copying, or deleting by holding the <Shift> key of <Ctrl> key. Press <Ctrl><A> to select all actions.) When you hold your mouse at rest above an action, a longer description is given of the action. See the next chapter for more information on actions.
To delete the currently selected event together with all its actions press the button labeled Delete. (Events without any actions will automatically be deleted when you close the form so there is no need to delete them manually.) If you want to assign the actions to a different event (for example, because you decided to use a different key for them) press the button labeled Change and pick the new event you want. (The event should not be defined already!) Using the menu that pops up when right-clicking on the event list, you can also duplicate an event, that is, add a new event with the same actions.
As indicated above, to add an event, press the button Add Event. The following form pops up:
Here you select the event you want to add. Sometimes a menu pops up with extra choices. Here is a description of the various events. (Again remember that you normally use only a few of them.)
Create event
This event happens when an instance of the object is created. It is
normally used to set the instance in motion and/or to set certain
variables for the instance.
Destroy event
This event happens when the instance is destroyed. To be precise,
it happens just before it is destroyed, so the instance does still
exist when the event is executed! Most of the time this event is
not used but you can for example use it to change the score or to
create some other object.
Alarm events
Each instance has 12 alarm clocks. You can set these alarm clocks
using certain actions (see next chapter). The alarm clock then
ticks down until it reaches 0 at which moment the alarm event is
generated. To indicate the actions for a given alarm clock, you
first need to select it in the menu. Alarm clocks are very useful.
You can use them to let certain things happen from time to time.
For example a monster can change its direction of motion every 20
steps. (In such cases one of the actions in the event must set the
alarm clock again.)
Step events
The step event happens every step of the game. Here you can put
actions that need to be executed continuously. For example, if one
object should follow another, here you can adapt the direction of
motion towards the object we are following. Be careful with this
event though. Don't put many complicated actions in the step event
of objects of which there are many instances. This might slow the
game down. To be more precise, there are three different step
events. Normally you only need the default one. But using the menu
you can also select the begin step event and the end step event.
The begin step event is executed at the beginning of each step,
before any other events take place. The normal step event is
executed just before the instances are put in their new positions.
The end step event is executed at the end of the step, just before
the drawing. This is typically used to change the sprite depending
on the current direction.
Whenever two instances collide (that is, their sprites overlap) a
collision event appears. Well, to be precise two collision event
occur; one for each instance. The instance can react to this
collision event. To this end, from the menu select the object with
which you want to define the collision event. Next you place the
actions here.
There is a difference in what happens when the instance collides with a solid object or a non-solid object. First of all, when there are no actions in the collision event, nothing happens. The current instance simply keeps on moving; even when the other object is solid. When the collision event contains actions the following happens:
When the other object is solid, the instance is placed back at its previous place (before the collision occurs). Then the event is executed. Finally, the instance is moved to its new position. So if the event e.g. reverses the direction of motion, the instance bounces against the wall without stopping. If there is still a collision, the instance is kept at its previous place. So it effectively stops moving.
When the other object is not solid, the instance is not put back. The event is simply executed with the instance at its current position. Also, there is no second check for a collision. If you think about it, this is the logical thing that should happen. Because the object is not solid, we can simply move over it. The event notifies us that this is happening.
There are many uses for the collision event. Instances can use it to bounce against walls. You can use it to destroy objects when, for example, they are hit by a bullet.
Keyboard events
When the player presses a key, a keyboard event happens for all
instances of all objects. There is a different event for each key.
In the menu you can pick the key for which you want to define the
keyboard event and next drag actions there. Clearly, only a few
objects need events for only a few keys. You get an event in every
step as long as the player keeps the key depressed. There are two
special keyboard events. One is called <No key>. This event
happens in each step when no key is pressed. The second one is
called <Any key> and happens whatever key is pressed. When
the player presses multiple keys, the events for all the keys
pressed happen. Note that the keys on the numeric keypad only
produce the corresponding events when <NumLock> is
Mouse events
A mouse event happens for an instance whenever the mouse cursor
lies inside the sprite representing the instance. Depending on
which mouse buttons are pressed you get the no button, left button,
right button, or middle button event. The mouse button events are
generated in each step as long as the player keeps the mouse button
pressed. The press events are only generated once when the button
is pressed. The release events are only generated when the button
is released. Note that these events only occur when the mouse is
above the instance. If you want to react to mouse press or release
events at an arbitrary place, use the global mouse events that can
be found in a submenu. There are two special mouse events. The
mouse enter event happens when the mouse enters the instance. The
mouse leave event happens when the mouse leaves the instance. These
events are typically used to change the image or play some sound.
Mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down events happen when the user
moves the mouse wheel. Finally there are a number of events related
to the joystick. You can indicate actions for the four main
directions of the joystick (in a diagonal direction both events
happen). Also you can define actions for up to 8 joystick buttons.
You can do this both for the primary joystick and the secondary
Other events
There are a number of other events that can be useful in certain
games. They are found in this menu. The following events can be
found here:
Drawing event
Instances, when visible, draw their sprite in each step on the
screen. When you specify actions in the drawing event, the sprite
is not drawn, but these actions are executed instead. This can be
used to draw something other than the sprite, or first make some
changes to sprite parameters. There are a number of drawing actions
that are especially meant for use in the drawing event. Note that
the drawing event is only executed when the object is visible. Also
note that, independent of what you draw, collision events are based
on the sprite that is associated with the instance.
Key press
This event is similar to the keyboard event but it happens only
once when the key is pressed, rather than continuously. This is
useful when you want an action to happen only once.
Key release
This event is similar to the keyboard event but it happens only
once when the key is released, rather than continuously.
In some situation it is important to understand the order in which Game Maker processes the events. This is as follows:
The creation, destroy, and other events are performed when the corresponding things happen.
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