Advanced mode

Up to now we have considered the simple features of Game Maker. But there are a lot more possibilities. To be able to use these you must run Game Maker in advanced mode. This is easy to change. In the File menu, click on the menu item Advanced mode. (To fully see the effects you should restart Game Maker or at least save your game and load it anew.)

When you start Game Maker in advanced mode, the following form is shown:

It contains all that was there in simple mode, but there are a number of additional resources, buttons, and menu items. Also, as we will see in the chapters that follow, the different resources have additional options. Here we will discuss the additional menu items.

File menu

In the file menu you can find the following additional commands:


Under the Preferences menu item in the File menu you can set a number of preferences that will be maintained between runs of Game Maker. The following preferences can be set:

Edit menu

In the edit menu you can find the following additional commands:

Resources menu

In this menu you can now also create the additional resources. Note that for each of them there is also a button on the toolbar and a keyboard shortcut.

Scripts menu

In the scripts menu you can find the following additional commands:
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