Functions and variables in GML
GML contains a large number of built-in functions and variables.
With these you can control any part of the game. For all actions
there are corresponding functions so you actually don't need to use
any actions if you prefer using code. But there are many more
functions and variables that control aspects of the game that
cannot be used with actions only. So if you want to make advanced
games you are strongly advised to read through the following
chapters to get an overview of all that is possible. Please note
that these variables and functions can also be used when providing
values for actions. So even if you don't plan on using code or
writing scripts, you will still benefit from this information.
The following convention is used below. Variable names marked
with a * are read-only, that is, their value cannot be changed.
Variable names with [0..n] after them are arrays. The range of
possible indices is given.