ds_list_create() Creates a new list. The function returns an integer as an id that must be used in all other functions to access the particular list.
ds_list_destroy(id) Destroys the list with the given id, freeing the memory used. Don't forget to call this function when you are ready with the structure.
ds_list_clear(id) Clears the list with the given id, removing all data from it but not destroying it.
ds_list_copy(id,source) Copies the list source into the list with the given id.
ds_list_size(id) Returns the number of values stored in the list.
ds_list_empty(id) Returns whether the list is empty. This is the same as testing whether the size is 0.
ds_list_add(id,val) Adds the value at the end of the list.
ds_list_insert(id,pos,val) Inserts the value at position pos in the list. The first position is 0, the last position is the size of the list minus 1.
ds_list_replace(id,pos,val) Replaces the value at position pos in the list with the new value.
ds_list_delete(id,pos) Deletes the value at position pos in the list. (Position 0 is the first element.)
ds_list_find_index(id,val) Find the position storing the indicated value. If the value is not in the list -1 is returned.
ds_list_find_value(id,pos) Returns the value stored at the indicated position in the list.
ds_list_sort(id,ascend) Sorts the values in the list. When ascend is true the values are sorted in ascending order, otherwise in descending order.
ds_list_shuffle(id) Shuffles the values in the list such that they end up in a random order.
ds_list_write(id) Turns the data structure into a string and returns this string. The string can then be used to e.g. save it to a file. This provides an easy mechanism for saving data structures.
ds_list_read(id,str) Reads the data structure from the given string (as created by the previous call).
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