What is New

Version 7.0 of Game Maker has a number of important changes over version 6.1. In particular there is a new extension mechanism. Below the most important changes are described.


Version 7.0 uses an adapted file format. As a result file names now have the extension .gmk. The new version can though still read .gm6 files created with the previous version and it is fully compatible with such files.

There is a minor incompatibility in the use of room transitions. In previous version transitions could also be used between frames in the same room. This is not longer possible. Transitions can only be used between rooms. But the number of transitions is considerably extended.

Also version 7.0 does no longer work on Windows 98 or Me. You will need Windows 2000 or later.

Extension packages

The major improvement of version 7.0 of Game Maker is the mechanism of extension packages that has been introduced. Extension packages can either add new collections of actions to Game Maker or they add new functions using DLL or GML files. A new item has been added to the resource list in which the user can indicate which extension packages to use. These are then automatically integrated in the system. Actions are shown in the object form and functions are colorcoded in the script editor, show in the list of functions. Extension packages can have help files that are automatically included in the help menu. Also all required files are automatically added to the game executables.

Three extension package are default provided.

It is rather easy to create your own extension packages. There is a special program available for this. See the page http://www.yoyogames.com/extensions for more information on how to do this. The extension mechanism sort of replaces and enhances the current DLL mechanism (which remains available).

Publishing games

A publish button has been added to the toolbar. This will take you to our site were you can easily make your finished game available to the public.

Splash screens

The splash screen mechanism has been considerably enhanced. Splash screens, like videos and images are now default shown in the main game window. There are many new options, e.g. to change the scaling. Also other image formats can be used. And rich text files can now contain images.

Game information

The game information is now default shown in the game window and can be closed with the close button.

Separate close button event

It can now be indicated whether or not the Close button must behave like the escape key or not. If not, there is a new event in the Other events that happens when the user clicks on the Close button. So you can now assign different behavior to the Close button and to the escape key.

Room transitions

The room transition mechanism is changed and extended, giving you more control over the transitions and adding many new transitions, like fade-ins, pushing the images, blending room images, rotations, etc. It is now even possible to define your own scripts to do the transitions (but this is rather advanced stuff). An extension package with additional room transitions is provided.

Data structures

A number of additional functions have been provided to deal with data structures. For example, data structures can now be copied, there are functions to write data structures to a string and read them back. This string can then used to e.g. save the datastructure to a file. Also there are more functions for grid data structures to e.g. copy and add parts of grids.

Including files

The mechanism to include files in the executables has been considerably extended. For each file it can now be indicated under what filename it must be stored and where it must be stored. There is a choice now whether or not to include the files in the editable version of the game. Also there are functions to export the files at a different moment than the start of the game.

Adding sprites and backgrounds with alpha channel

There are now functions sprite_add_alpha() and sprite_replace_alpha() to add or replace a sprite from a file that has an alpha channel (such as png files) to get nicer transparancy effects. Similar functions exist for backgrounds.

New registration mechanism

Other changes

There are a number of other changes and additions. Here are some of the important ones.

Corrected bugs

The following bugs were corrected.

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