_ __ _ | |/ /___ ___ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _ | ' // _ \/ _ \ '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | . \ __/ __/ |_) | | | | | (_| | |_|\_\___|\___| .__/|_|_| |_|\__, | _ |_| _ |___/ ____ _ _ ____ / \ _ _ __| | __ _ ___(_) |_ _ _ |___ \ | || | |___ \ / _ \| | | |/ _` |/ _` |/ __| | __| | | | __) || || |_ __) | / ___ \ |_| | (_| | (_| | (__| | |_| |_| | / __/ |__ _| / __/ /_/ \_\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|\__|\__, | |_____(_) |_|(_)_____| |___/ [Keeping Audacity 2.4.2] by TheOuterLinux (https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io) Last updated: 2023/05/21 If you are not a fan of the direction that Audacity has taken since it was aquired by Muse Group, you can install an older version of Audacity and have 'apt' hold that version for you by doing the following, or at least on a Debian/Ubuntu-based, GNU/Linux system... sudo apt update sudo apt madison audacity sudo apt install audacity=2.4.2~dfsg0-5 audacity-data=2.4.2~dfsg0-5 sudo apt-mark hold audacity audacity-data And then to list packages on hold, use: sudo apt-mark showhold To unhold the packages, use: sudo apt-mark unhold audacity audacity-data However, remember that it is possible that another package manager besides 'apt' or 'dpkg' may not honor the holds by using this method; 'aptitude' currently does not. If you were to run 'sudo apt upgrade', then something similar to the following would be shown near the beginning of the output... The following packages have been kept back: audacity audacity-data