Before you keep reading, there is an assumption made that you are using a GNU/Linux operating system with 'imagemagick' and 'ghostscript' packages installed. Last updated: 2023/01/05 How to Fix ImageMagic vs PDF Conversion Issue --------------------------------------------- If you are having issues using 'ImageMagic' package, the commands being 'convert' or 'mogrify', to convert to or from a PDF, you you may need to open the '/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml' file, or something similar, and change the line that says: to: ...and that should fix the issue. Though if you are concerned about the security-related issues because of Ghostscript, you only need to worry about it if your 'ghostscript' package version older than 9.24. Use 'ghostscript --version' to find out. Now that that is solved... -------------------------- You use 'ImageMagic' like so to convert an image to a PDF: convert input.ext output.pdf You use 'ImageMagic' like so to convert a PDF to an image or multiple images: convert input.pdf output.ext HOWEVER, though you still need to solve the issue like previously mentioned, you can use a program called 'Converseen' to have a graphical way to batch convert multiple images to a PDF or from a PDF. Converseen uses 'ImageMagick' which is why you still may need to do the mentioned fix. Still having trouble? --------------------- Honestly, the easiest way to convert multiple images to a PDF is to make sure that they are all JPG with the same file extension (*.jpg) and then use 'img2pdf' package to create the PDF like so since it does not seem to rely on ImageMagick at all (it's Python-based): cd '/path/to/images/folder' find . -type f -iname "*.jpg" -exec img2pdf --output out.pdf {} + ...and if you want to then have that PDF encrypted, use the 'pdftk' package like so: pdftk input.pdf output output.pdf user_pw PASSWORD ...and yes, the "output" part is correct as for whatever reason, you do not use "--output" like you normally would with many other conversion programs. You can install 'img2pdf' and 'pdftk' using one of the following on a GNU/Linux system: sudo apt install img2pdf pdftk Or, if you have Python's PIP installed... sudo pip[3] install img2pdf ...and then worse case compile 'pdftk' from source from Absolute "worse-case scenario," you could use software such as 'GIMP' to import a bunch of images as layers and then export as a PDF with each layer as a page. There is also a desktop publishing program called 'Scribus' in which you could place an image on each page; however, neither of these are very useful when you have a folder loaded with images and time is an issue. And if all you want to do is extract images from a PDF, you can use the 'poppler-utils' package's 'pdfimages' command like so: pdfimages -j '/path/to/doc.pdf' image ...If the PDF document is encrypted, use: pdfimages -opw "Password" -j '/path/to/ecrypted/doc.pdf' image The "image" part at the end tells 'pdfimages' to output the images as "image-###", in which the "###" part is the image number extracted. Just remember though, unless the PDF is just a bunch of JPEG files, using 'pdfimages' will not extract any text, you will have to use the 'pdftotext' command for that.