To distribute your Love2d game as an AppImage, all you have to do is download a Love2d AppImage from: and then extract the Love2d AppImage in a terminal with: /path/to/love-##.#-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract A "squashfs-root" folder will be created. In a terminal, you would then run: cat squashfs-root/bin/love > squashfs-root/bin/Game create a fusion between the love binary and the game. Next, open the love.desktop file with a text-editor and replace the "Exec=love %f" part with "Exec=Game %f" and make changes to the other desktop file variables as needed and do not forget to change the icon file if you have your own. Put the "squashfs-root" folder back together as an AppImage using the 'appimagetool' from And yes, you can technically just fuse the love binary and the file together and distribute the result; however, doing so assumes that the user has all of the dependencies needed to run the game.