-- The following is a short example of printing the RAM usage of what -- LoveDOS will use plus the currently playing MUSIC.WAV file, which -- should hopefully show you how important is is to be okay with the -- idea of lowering the quality to around 11025Hz. -- By the way, some of you may be thinking "where is the 'static' or -- 'stream' argument after the MUSIC.WAV?" This is not only optional, -- but it uses the same amount of RAM regardless as if 'static' is the -- default and the only way. LoveDOS currently does not know the -- difference between music and sound effects and both get loaded into -- RAM whether they are currently being used or not. function love.load() music = love.audio.newSource('MUSIC.WAV') music:setLooping( true ) music:play() end function love.update(dt) ramusage = love.system.getMemUsage() end function love.draw() love.graphics.print('Current RAM usage of game: ' ..ramusage ..' KB', 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth()) end