______ _____ ________ ___ | _ \ _ || _ | \/ | | | | | | | || | | | . . | [Doom] | | | | | | || | | | |\/| | Doom series play order | |/ /\ \_/ /\ \_/ / | | | by TheOuterLinux |___/ \___/ \___/\_| |_/ (https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io) Last updated: 2023/06/15 First of all, you may have already noticed, especially if you are a Doom fan, that the list below is not all of the games; I am going to only list games that can be played easily on a GNU/Linux computer using an emulator or source-port and NOT using WINE or Proton. The order in which you should play the Doom games and watch the movies to get the most out of the experience: 1. Ultimate Doom, The 2. Sigil 3. Doom II: Hell on Earth 4. Doom II: No Rest for the Living; you can grab the "nerve.wad" from Doom 3: BFG Edition and play using 'GZDoom' or just play normally using the 'dhewm3' source-port. 5. Final Doom: Evilution 6. Final Doom: Plutonia Experiment 7. Perdition's Gate 8. Doom 64; make sure to either complete or beat the Hectic level to unlock the "Lost Levels" (MAP34-39). 9. Doom 3: BFG Edition 1. Play the normal game 2. Play the "Ressurection of Evil" expansion 3. Play "The Lost Mission" expansion 4. Play "Scarlet Rivensin: The Ruiner" 10. Watch the Doom (2005) movie 11. Watch "Doom: Annihilation" (2019) If you play one of Doom 3's expansions, to which you should be playing Doom 3 using 'dhwem3', and you get no audio, try playing in windowed- mode rather than fullscreen. "The Ultimate Doom" is listed rather than the original Doom because the original Doom only contains three episodes while the Ultimate version contains four, the fourth episode being "Thy Flesh Consumed." Sigil came out around 2019; however, it takes place after the fourth episode of Doom. "Doom III: BFG Edition" contains "Doom 3," "Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil," and some of the previous Dooms. Also, you can "spice-up" Doom games by using mods like "Blasphemer," "Halo: Doom Evolved," or "XIM Star Wars." And by the way, no one would fault you for skipping the "Plutonia Experiment" part of "Final Doom," or at least I would not. On the easiest difficulty you will be using the rocket launcher most of the time. The weakest monsters are the Shotgun Guys, but the amount you will see in comparison to the Heavy Weapon Guys (the ones with machine guns) are laughable and even then, the are waaay too many Hell Kights, Revenants, Arch-viles, Arachnotrons, Mancubuses, Pain Elementals and their Lost Souls, and etc. to make any sense at all. There are also some Jave ME-based, Doom RPG games, but I would not bother with them. However, if you do decide to play them, I suggest either using the 'MicroEmulator' or whatever is available for RetroArch to play J2ME games.