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BBC BASIC Notes, Help, and Examples

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 ____     ____     ____        ____     ______  ____    ______   ____      
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MODE 7 Graphics Chart TheOuterLinux 2020/07/04 A quick reference chart for producing MODE 7 graphics
Quickly add line numbers TheOuterLinux 2020/04/16 You can quickly add line numbers to a script that doesn't have them by opening it with Brandy (brandy -load file.ext) and then use "SAVE file.ext" and it will add the lines for you. You can also use "nl -b a input.ext > output.ext" if using a GNU/Linux or UNIX-based system.
DISC.TXT damieng (edited by TheOuterLinux) 2020/04/20 Tips on how to use discs; the "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll is a bit vague on the subject, probably because most people at the time were using cassette tapes instead.
PRINT.TXT TheOuterLinux 2020/04/16 Notes on the PRINT statement for things like color, blinking, MODE7 tricks, etc.
VDU23.TXT TheOuterLinux 2020/04/16 Notes on using VDU23 to create ASCII graphics


BRIAN.BBC (Version 2) Brian R Smith 1980 Not really sure what it does to be honest
FOURPNT.BBC John A Coll October 1984 (from "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll) Draws a four-point, 3D-looking, grid-like star
MADLEBRO.BBC cpmisalive ~2007 Mandelbrot set program; very slow on a BBC Micro; use Brandy instead
MONTHLY.BBC John A. Coll October 1984 (from "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll) Draws a simple 12-month bar graph
OWL.BBC "Level River St" on https://codegolf.stackexchange.com 2014/02/06 Draws the BBC Micro owl mascot in color; must use an actual BBC Micro or emulator
PERIOD.tar.gz TheOuterLinux 2020/04/18 Periodic table for 32K BBC Micros (Model B) and is still a work-in-progress.
PERIODIC.BBC TheOuterLinux 2020/04/17 Periodic table lookup that currently only works with BBC BASIC V or higher (use Brandy) and is still a work-in-progress.
PERSIAN.BBC (Version 2) Acorn Computers 1981/11/16 Creates a randomized Persian rug-looking graphic.
POLYGON.BBC John A. Coll October 1984 (from "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll) Constantly draws a bunch or randomly placed, randomly colored, line-based polygons all over the screen
QUADRAT.BBC John A. Coll, based on a program by Max Bramer, Open University 1981/11/16 Solves an equation of the form A*X^2 + B*X +C
RNDBEATS.BBC Eliot Tanner 2020/01/?? Plays a random beat; use an actual BBC Micro or emulator as Brandy just plays one long bass note
SINE.BBC (Version 2) John A. Coll October 1984 (from "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll) Draws a red colored SINE wave with text flowing as such at the top. The first "loop" is colored on the "inside."
TARTAN.BBC Based on Research Machines demo 1981/11/16 Constantly draws a bunch of random lines that end up drawing a cross-hatch, plaid-like pattern.
TIME.BBC John A. Coll October 1984 (from "Microcomputer User Guide" by John A. Coll) Turn your BBC Micro into a simple digital clock.

Magazines and Manuals

21 Games for the BBC MicroThis is a zip file that contains PDFs to type the programs yourself and an SSD for emulators.
21 Games for the ElectronThis is a zip file that contains HTML and PDFs to type the programs yourself and an SSD for emulators.
35 Educational Programs for the BBC MicroThis is a zip file that contains HTML and PDFs to type the programs yourself and an SSD for emulators.
40 Educational Programs for the BBC MicroThis is a zip file that contains HTML and PDFs to type the programs yourself and SSD for emulators.
100 Programs for the Acorn ElectronThis is a zip file that contains 100 easy to read/copy/paste programs and SSD for emulators.
Acorn UserThis magazine covered the range of Acorn home computers, the BBC Micro and Atom at first and later the Electron, Archimedes and Risc PC.
Acorn ProgramsAcorn Programs Magazine is a glossy magazine covering the BBC Acorn and Acorn software.
Advanced Graphics with the BBC Model B MicrocomputerA recipe book of graphics programs for those that want to draw complex pictures with their BBC microcomputer; inlcudes SSD for emulators
BBC Microcomputer System: Technical DescriptionOutline technical specification for the BBC Micro, as published by the BBC in September 1982.
BBC Microcomputer System: User GuideBritish Broadcasting Corporation
Crash MagazineA magazine dedicated to the ZX Spectrum home computer
Electron User MagazineA magazine for BBC Electron Users published in the 1980s
Games and Other Programs for the ElectronBritish Broadcasting Corporation
Micro Guide for the BBCThis is a quick guide (hence "Micro Guide") for the BBC microcomputer
MicroUser MagazineA British specialist magazine catering to users of the BBC Microcomputer series, Acorn Electron, Acorn Archimedes and, to a limited extent, the Cambridge Z88
Sinclair User MagazineA magazine dedicated to the Sinclair Research range of home computers, most specifically the ZX Spectrum
Spectrum Show MagazineThis magazine is a yearly roundup of the reviews and features that appeared in the monthly YouTube show of the same name
Sync MagazineA relatively short-lived glossy magazine dedicated to the Timex Sinclair/ZX80/ZX81 models of computers
The Computer Book: An Introduction to Computers and ComputingA book published in conjunction with the BBC television series "The Computer Programme" first transmitted on BBC-2 from January 1982.
Your Spectrum MagazineA hobbyist publication, originally published bi-monthly in 1984, before quickly turning into a monthly magazine
ZX Computing MagazineIssues 01-38 (Summer 1982 - May 1987)


Unless otherwise noted, TheOuterLinux has zero affiliation with any of the following authors of these videos.

I would also like to note that it may be a good idea to browse through the BBC micro manual first before watching.

How To Code Games In BBC BASIC by Colin Hoad | Channel RSS

Click for YouTube Playlist
Colin HoadHow to code games in BBC BASIC: An Introduction00:07:38
Colin HoadREM and DIM - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (1)00:11:15
Colin HoadSOUND and ENVELOPE - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (2)00:13:14
Colin HoadMODE 7 - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (3)00:04:22
Colin HoadMODE 7 Text - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (4)00:09:19
Colin HoadMODE 7 Graphics - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (5)00:15:19
Colin HoadMODE 7 Sprites - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (6)00:15:09
Colin HoadIntroducing PROCs - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (7)00:08:02
Colin HoadThe Main Program - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (8)00:17:45
Colin HoadIntro Screens - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (9)00:10:39
Colin HoadStarting The Game - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (10)00:15:46
Colin HoadLevel Creation - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (11)00:13:50
Colin HoadLevel Drawing - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (12)00:17:25
Colin HoadAlien Grids - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (13)00:17:50
Colin HoadResident Integer Variables - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (14)00:17:08
Colin HoadYour Own Debugger - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (15)00:14:27
Colin HoadConditional Display - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (16)00:17:33
Colin HoadInput Detection - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (17)00:18:00
Colin HoadMissile Mechanics - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (18)00:16:43
Colin HoadCollision Detection - How To Code Games In BBC BASIC (19)00:28:49

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