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PsychOS is a "better to have and not need than to need and not have" type of GNU/Linux distribution that is based off of a 32-bit (i686) version of Devuan ASCII, a systemd-free system. What that also means is that this system contains lots of software, codecs, firmware, etc. with the goal of if the "shit hits the fan," you can still get some work (or play) done. Extra repositories were included just in case something was missed (disabled by default); however, please make sure to only enable those repositories if installing software as opposed to upgrading, which may cause issues. And for what you cannot find, there are plenty of included tools to create what you need.
PsychOS also includes extra packages and settings for various applications to provide a better "out-of-the-box" experience as opposed to the user having to setup the same things most do anyway or wondering why a program doesn't work because they don't know how to configure it correctly. This is a system mainly for "broke as hell" creatives, old-school programmers, and college students. Web developers, remote compiling nut-jobs, and PC gamers (unless creating a game) need not bother; these types will more than likely find this system frustrating as it has been hardened in a way to make neophites cringe. In other words, PsychOS is designed to be used as a desktop, not as a means to keep your old computer barely alive in a resting home (VM, SSH, remote, etc.).
Devuan ASCII was chosen not just for it being systemd-free but also because Devuan ASCII is a fork of Debian, which is incredibly stable, "insanely" so, and I expect that when most GNU/Linux systems abandon older computers (kernel updates killing two birds with one stone?) that the developers and/or hobbyists for Debian will do everything they can to continue support for as long as they can. However, because it's 32-bit, PsychOS will run just fine on both old and new computers, including some Macbooks; I even had a Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter working just fine if that has ever been an issue (has for me on other distros). Please make sure to look at the Release Notes.