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Learn how to do math (nothing too complicated) in the command line but with a Halloween theme. I’ll be using Python 3, bsd-games (for primes), gperiodic, units, sc, and gnuplot on a Linux system.
The tmux setup: tmux new-session \; set -g mouse on \; split-window -v -p 50 /path/to/gperiodScript \; split-window -hf -p 63 python3 \; split-window -h -p 60 units \; split-window -v -p 80 sc \; split-window -v -p 65 gnuplot \; attach
The gperiodic script: https://gitlab.com/TheOuterLinux/BitChuteNotes/raw/master/Command-Line/08%20-%20Command-Line%20-%20Spooky%20Math/gperiodicASCII
More details: https://gitlab.com/TheOuterLinux/BitChuteNotes/tree/master/Command-Line/08 - Command-Line - Spooky Math