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"Translator" by TheOuterLinux


I found a really cool translator script that only needs gawk (gnu awk) to work. However, I’ve attempted to “beef it up” by creating a “front-end” of sorts that uses dialog to make it easier to do things like:

For the first two items to work, you will need some extra packages installed such as tesseract-ocr, poppler-tools, and able to run “soffice --headless.” The video lists what you’ll need, and be sure to check out any links in the description. Also, note that file-paths blurred-out in my videos typically refers to my home folder. I take privacy very seriously.

Download script: https://gitlab.com/TheOuterLinux/BitChuteNotes/raw/master/Command-Line/11%20-%20Command-Line%20-%20Translator/translator

Notes: https://gitlab.com/TheOuterLinux/BitChuteNotes
Keywords: command line, Linux, Unix, help, howto, tutorial, video, communication, productivity

Video License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
