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"nano for APA formatting" by TheOuterLinux


I tried something crazy: using nano to write an APA-style document, or at least a short example.

# nano for APA formatting

| APA research papers


    Most APA research papers are organized as"

    Title page
    An introduction
    a. Participants
    b. Materials
    c. Apparatus
    d. Procedure

| Nano

    Use "nano -m -u -c r102"
    -m = mouse
    -u = undo/redo
    -c = constantly shows cursor position
    -r102 = will wordwrap at column 102

    "^" means "Ctrl" on the keyboard

    Normally, nano only wordwraps until the text reaches the edge of the terminal or screen.
    However, because of inconsistent screen and terminal sizes, you may want to figure out
    how many characters you need instead. To do the math properly, 10 or 12 point font is
    characters per inch. So, a standard "8.5in. x 11in." sheet of paper would need to
    wordwrap at no more than 102 characters with no margins taken into account. You can
    change the font size in your terminal preferences.

    Ctrl+g for a help screen and Ctrl+x to exit

    Ctrl+w for search

    Alt+w for repeat search

    Alt+r for search and replace

    Ctrl+r to place text from another file at the cursor location

    Alt+> or Alt+< to switch between multiple instances of nano

    Not all terminal emulators support syntax highlighting, but you can find languages nano
    supports inside /usr/share/nano/

| Spellcheck and converting

    Install a package called "spell" to have spellchecking inside of nano. If you cannot find
    it for you system, install "aspell."

    aspell -c example.txt

soffice --headless --convert-to pdf example.txt
Keywords: nano, gnu, linux, foss, apa, research, command-line, howto, help, terminal, office

Video License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
