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Recommended Software
Click here for manuals, magazines, tutorials, and etc.
The following are 32-bit Intel or older
Intel | iOS | Classic | Apple II
- AnyToISO 3.6.3 Lite - use this to convert small bin/cue and other similar file-types to ISO format; registration required for larger files; HOWEVER, you can technically use Burn to convert bin/cue files to ISO; audio tracks will give issues
- ArCHMock 1.2 - a CHM viewer; a compressed HTML help-file format
- Burn 2.5.1 - easy to use disc burning software
- bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
- CoolReader 3.0.56 - a free and open-source ebook viewer; supports fb2, txt, rtf, doc, html epub, chm, mobi, prc, azw, pdb, pml, and zip
- DAA Converter 1.3 - a free utility for converting DAA and GBI disk images to ISO
- Enjoy2 1.0 - map keyboard keys to a game controller or joystick
- Jarnal - includes two AppleScript applications that make use of JAVA program 'Jarnal'; one is for writing notes while the other is for annotating PDF's; drag-and-drop the extracted Jarnal folder to the Applications folder to install
- KDiff3 0.9.95 - use this to compare the contents of two files
- Murasaki 1.0.2 - a scroll-based ePub reader for OS X; opens much faster than Calibre's ebook viewer
- RedScreen - use this to dim and red-tint the screen; good for astronomy
- SDLJoyTest - use this to test connected gamepads and joysticks as far as SDL-based programs/games are concerned
- UIF2ISO 1.4.1 - convert UIF disk images to ISO format
- Unarchiver, The - the easiest to install unarchiver for Mac OS X; supports a crap-ton of formats, but it only unarchives
- UNetbootin 631 - use this to flash ISO's and disk images to USB hard drives for booting other operating systems, such as GNU/Linux
- USB Overdrive - pair keyboard keys with gampad/joystick buttons; HOWEVER, you will see a message to register after each login
- VeraCrypt 1.19 - Free open source disk encryption software; requires OSXFuse 2.5 or newer
- WordPod 1.2 - use this to convert plain-text ebooks for reading on older iPods
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Jailbreak Required
- FileBrowser v1.3 - advanced file manager running under root
- GoodNotes v4.11.8 - an incredible note-taking program that feels like a virtual notebook with a ton of features, including built-in handwriting recognition when searching; exported PDF is searchable; can also be used to annotate PDFs; "Documents On" friendly for GNU/Linux users; click here for a YouTube video; using your own [dark-themed] templates may help save battery
- iFile v3.0 - a file-manager; you may need this in order to add files using "Documents on" when connected to GNU/Linux
- iFileExplorer v3.65 - a file-manager that can transfer files via USB (iTunes or "Documents on" in GNU/Linux) or WiFi; has multiple file-format support, including MS office files, RTF, HTML, popular image, audio, video, and archive formats, Apple office formats, OpenOffice (XML-like) formats, and PDF; you can also create and edit plain-text files. However, the equivalent of "right-clicking" files have a small menu box show-up but you cannot see any of the options; in other words, you will have to delete files using a jailbreak-friendly file-manager or computer. iFileBrowser v3.65 also always annoying defaults to the "WiFi" tab.
- GraphCalc HD v1.0.4 - A graphing calculator; however, you still may want to install PCalc RPN Calculator v2.3.3
- MTerminal v1.4-5 - install using Cydia; a MobileTerminal fork
- PCalc RPN Calculator v2.3.3 - a scientific calculator; no graphing capability; iOS devices setup without an E-Mail/iCloud account are missing the default calculator app
- QRReader v5.5 - use your camera to scan QR codes
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