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Thunar Custom Actions

A Thunar Custom Action is an item that has been added to the right-click menu of the Thunar file manager. These menu items help you do special things with or to selected files or directories. These items are added by opening the Thunar file manager and at the top menu use "Edit --> Configure custom actions..."




Spellcheck Scribus Project Spellchecking for Scribus project files using aspell xfce4-terminal -x aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 --mode=sgml --add-sgml-check=ch check %f
Sketchify Convert selected images to sketches using gmic. for file in %F; do gmic "$file" hardsketchbw 80,70,0.07,0 smoothness=2 output "$file" && convert "$file" -colors 16 -depth 4 -dither none "${file%%.*}.png" && rm "$file"; done
Search here Open Catfish at this location catfish --path=%f
Run WAD Run a DOOM WAD file using LZDoom lzdoom -iwad %f
QuickEdit Quickly edit one of several supported file formats using the QuickEdit script. /opt/psychostools/Scripts/quickedit %f
QuickDOS Open a file with a DOS program using DOSBox. This is an example using the PictView program. dir=%d; file=%n; fbname="$(basename "${file}" | cut -d . -f1 | sed 's/ //g')"; fext="$(echo "${file}" | awk -F . '{print $NF}')"; if [ "$(echo ${fbname} | wc -c)" -gt 9 ]; then file="$(echo ${fbname} | cut -c1-6)" && file="${file}~1.$fext";fi && dosbox -securemode -exit -c "mount c /home/psychos/Applications/RetroGrab/DOS/Programs/Graphics/pictview" -c "mount d $(readlink -f ${dir})" -c "c:\\pictview.exe d:\\${file}"
Print file Print the file with lp lp %f
Play with Timidity++ Quickly play a MIDI file xterm -e timidity %F
Paste to file Paste text from clipboard to a file (Clipboard.txt) xsel -b > Clipboard.txt
Open with POSTER Open ANSI file with poster dir=%d; file=%n; fbname="$(basename "${file}" | cut -d . -f1 | sed 's/ //g')"; fext="$(echo "${file}" | awk -F . '{print $NF}')"; if [ "$(echo ${fbname} | wc -c)" -gt 9 ]; then file="$(echo ${fbname} | cut -c1-6)" && file="${file}~1.$fext";fi && dosbox -securemode -exit -c "mount c /home/psychos/Applications/RetroGrab/DOS/Programs/Graphics/poster12" -c "mount d $(readlink -f ${dir})" -c "c:\\POSTER.EXE + /m1 d:\\${file}"
Open with Brandy Open selected file with a BBC BASIC interpreter brandy -load %f
Open terminal here Launch terminal emulator here exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator
Open root Thunar here Open this folder with administrative rights gksu thunar %f
Download copied link here... Download copied URL to this location. xterm -e curl -JLO -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0' "$(xsel --clipboard --output)"
Create symlink Softlink between two files or directories ln -s %f "%n (symlink)"
Convert to sprite-sheet Convert an animated GIF (89a) to a single-row sprite-sheet montage %f -tile x1 -geometry +0+0 -alpha On -background "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)" -quality 100 %n.png
Convert to PNG Convert ANS file to PNG ansilove %F
Compute md5sum Display checksum of ISO yad --info --title="Check md5sum for %n" --text="$(md5sum %n)" | yad --width=350 --height=250 --progress --percentage="50" --auto-kill --auto-close --title="Checksum utility" --text="Calculating md5sum for %n"
Check data integrity Compare ISO and md5sum files yad --info --title="Check md5 for %n" --text="$(md5sum -c %f)" | yad --progress --percentage="50" --auto-kill --auto-close --title="Checksum utility" --text="Checking md5sum for %n"
Burn ISO to disc Burn an ISO to a blank disc at normal speed xterm -T 'Burning ISO to disc...' -e growisofs -dvd-compat -Z "$(inxi -d | grep Optical | awk '{print $4}')"=%f

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