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Grab a copy: https://gitlab.com/theouterlinux/StreamPi
This is an update video for the StreamPi script I made a while back. If you're not familiar with the project, older systems don't support OBS Studio and I really hate remote desktoping, so I made a script to live stream to services like Twitch or YouTube or record locally.
This update includes adding an image overlay option that automatically resizes and layers on top of the stream or recording, though only your viewers can see it. I also added a 'Settings' script instead of opening the StreamPi script and manually editing variables like before. I also included a "Command Center" (RunInsideTMUX) script to emulate as best as I could something similar to OBS Studio but using tmux so that way it will run in both X (GUI) environment and TTY/console. It includes panels that launch a translator, a text editor, an IRC client (Twitch support IRC), volume control menu (alsamixer or pamix; binaries included), and a music player. However, scripts are used to help determine what you have installed and what to load for each panel, except for the translator, which is a dumbed down version of a previous made version. In the center of it all is a stream monitor that uses either mpv or cvlc to play without audio (prevents echo) and uses tct/ascii.
Which leads me to the cool part of the update: "Podcast Mode." I use that name because of how StreamPi behaves when it's run in TTY/console. Since you can't record the screen in TTY with ffmpeg (looking into it) because there's no $DISPLAY, your options are limited in a way that reminds me of a Podcast. In TTY, depending on your settings, your options are webcam with or without image overlay that uses v4l2-ctl to automatically resize overlay, stream just an image and audio, or if you don't really care, you can run it with no image specified and one gets created for you as a simple colored background with three lines of text.
I also included a few extra tools for editing images in the command-line, a script called 'TwitchBuddy' (still needs some work) for getting simple viewing stats, and a few others. Some of them have their own associated video, so make sure to look around on the channel. Also, when in doubt, there's a Help folder loaded with text files explaining things and some screenshots.
Also, if you're a privacy buff, you may appreciate the 'StreamPiTorify' script. It's like the regular version, but should be able to use with Tor (as in the service) if running. I made a dummy account and tested it for a few minutes and it seems to work fine. However, I looked around on the dummy Twitch account I made to test it and couldn't find any "streamed from" location information (technically a good thing), so I have no idea if it actually works or not.