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Recommended Software
Click here for manuals, magazines, tutorials, and etc.
The following are 32-bit Intel or older
Intel | iOS | Classic | Apple II
- Calibre 1.48.0 - a free and open-source ebook organizer, downloader, and has tools to export to devices
- CoolReader 3.0.56 - a free and open-source ebook viewer; supports fb2, txt, rtf, doc, html epub, chm, mobi, prc, azw, pdb, pml, and zip
- Data Crow v3.9.21 - a Java-based (JRE 1.6+) application for cataloging things, such as books, comics, music, software, pictures, etc.
- Gnucash 2.6.20-2 - a free and open-source accounting program
- Gutenprint 5.1.7 - formerly "Gimp-Print," Gutenprint is a collection of free-software printer drivers for use with UNIX spooling systems, such as CUPS, LPR, and LPRng; you may also want usbtb 1.0.17 if you need to use an adapter to connect an older printer
- iWork 09 - Apple iWork 09 productivity suite including Pages, KeyNote, Numbers; iWork 05 to 09 are all Universal
- iWork 09 Update - after installing iWork 09, use this to update it
- LibreOffce - free and open-source office suite; click here for a recommended list of supported extensions
- MacTeX 2016 and LyX - packages needed to create documents using TeX or LaTeX; you only need the two largest; the extras includes a copy of Lyx, which is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) LaTeX editor
- Murasaki 1.0.2 - a scroll-based ePub reader for OS X; opens much faster than Calibre's ebook viewer
- Scribus 1.4.5 - a free and open-source desktop publishing program
- Skim 1.4.29 - a PDF reader and note-taker for Mac OS X
- Sigil 0.6.1 - a free and open-source ePub editor
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Jailbreak Required
- GoodNotes v4.11.8 - an incredible note-taking program that feels like a virtual notebook with a ton of features, including built-in handwriting recognition when searching; exported PDF is searchable; can also be used to annotate PDFs; "Documents On" friendly for GNU/Linux users; click here for a YouTube video; using your own [dark-themed] templates may help save battery
- iBooks - comes with the latest 32-bit iOS by default; great for reading PDFs and ePubs; supports encrypted PDFs; can add books using a newer file manager or Safari rather than iTunes
- Keynote v1.7.2 - it is a presentation creation/viewing program; exports to Numbers, PDF, and PowerPoint
- Numbers v1.7.3 - use this to create spreadsheets; exports to Numbers, PDF, and Excel
- Pages v1.7.2 - use this to create documents; exports to Pages, PDF, and Word
- Printer Pro v3.3.1.0 - before their was "Air Print," devices needed a bit more help finding and adding printers connected to the same router
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