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Recommended MegaZeux Games




A first-person RPG made in the likeness of the simple FPRPGs of yesteryear like Akalabeth, Lady Sword and Card of Destiny. Approximately 7-8 hours of play time.

Bernard the Bard

The plot follows a well-worn formula, where a character wakes up on a seemingly uneventful day which turns out to be quite the opposite. This time, it's Bernard the Bard waking up and finding out that large portions of the townsfolk are missing something.

Commander Keen: Heroes Lost

Billy Blaze, eight-year-old genius, working diligently in his backyard clubhouse has created an interstellar starship from old soup cans, rubber cement, and plastic tubing. While his folks are out on the town and the babysitter has fallen asleep, Billy travels into his backyard workshop, dons his brother's football helmet, and transforms into... COMMANDER KEEN --- defender of Earth! In his ship, the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket, Keen dispenses galactic justice with an iron hand! ...but that was 20 years ago. In this episode, Billy, now 28, is busy with school. He begins to suspect something about the recent lab work he's been doing, especially since he never seems to remember any of it. This, however, is only the prelude to a new alien threat that'll soon forcibly reenlist Commander Keen back into active duty.....

Demon Earth

In this (unofficial) installment to the Metroid franchise, Samus Aran has been transformed into demon and is recruited by a god to save Earth from ZeromusZodimus. From the first few minutes you control her on the planet, you realize that this game is not going to play nicely, and in fact that every single thing on this planet wants to see you dead.

Depot Dungeons

A turn-based, box-pushing rpg. Starting as a lowly clone, you find yourself being guided through the titular dungeons with the ultimate goal of the survival of not just yourself but the human race.

Eternal Eclipse Taoyarin

Action RPG for MegaZeux. Explore the spacetime-distorted halls of the Eiziru Qilla to bring a an end to a curse that strikes the land every 100 years.


A short, top-down, action RPG focused on atmosphere and customization. The player controls the protagonist with WASD and the mouse


A game about remembering...


A top-down classical RPG with turn-based battles

Run Driver III

Dodge things, grab things and shoot things. Try not to die. Enjoy.

Zeux 1: Labyrinth of Zeux

You are Vince M. Louis, a famous theologist. You have uncovered and studied every mystical and religious item ever mentioned in legend... except one: the magical Silver Staff of Zeux! Going on rumors and legends alone, you enter the mystical Labyrinth of Zeux...

Zeux 2: Caverns of Zeux

You play as Vince M. Louis, fresh off of retrieving the Silver Staff of Zeux from deep within the Labyrinth in the previous game. While making your way through the tunnel past the altar, the staff goes out of control and fires off several beams of light, causing a cave-in behind you that traps you within the Caverns of Zeux.

Zeux 3: Chronos Stasis

From your dinky prison cell, you get released and from there, try to figure out how to get access to the highest security areas of the facility, and eventually, escape.

Zeux 4: Forest of Ruin

Over the course of the game, you have to solve several puzzles, some of which you actually feel smart for completing on your own. Often, you'll be rewarded with new spells, staves, or PentarOrbs, all of which you're going to need to complete the game. When you're not solving a puzzle, chances are you'll be fighting one of the game's many challenging bosses. Their attacks may be limited to the game's built-in projectiles, but they're no pushovers. These guys are quick, and good at evading your attacks. Some are immune to certain staves, while others may require a spell to be cast on them before they can be hurt. In fact, one boss was so good that it was recycled into Zeux 5, but that's a story for another day.

Zeux 5: Catacombs of Zeux

As this is more of an action/boss strategy oriented game, the puzzles are much more lacking than in the previous installments.

Many of the video game descriptions and images above come from the MegaZeux website and forums.

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