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Apple Development Software

32-bit Intel and older

Click here for manuals, magazines, tutorials, and etc.




Basic! v3.5.9
Do some BASIC programming on your iOS device; and no, you cannot compile a binary
Jailbroken iOS 5.1
Batari 1.7
Use a BASIC-like language to create an Atari 2600 game
Snow Leopard
Bluefish 2.2.4
Web development editor
Snow Leopard
BlueGriffon 1.6.2
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web development editor
Snow Leopard
CMake for Mac OS X
Snow Leopard (Universal)
Code::Blocks 13.12
A free C/C++ and Fortran IDE
Snow Leopard
Doom v2.1
If you look inside of the IPA, there is a doom.wad, a prboom.wad, and a bunch of MP3's; you may be able to replace these; do so at your own risk; the menus were clearly meant for phones and not tablets
Jailbroken iOS 4.2
DrJava 20140826-r5761
An IDE for Java; click here for docs
Snow Leopard
Eclipse 3.7.2
An IDE for Java and others
Snow Leopard
FreePascal 3.0.4a
A free and open-source Pascal compiler; you will also want to install fpcsrc
Snow Leopard
Game Editor
2D game creation software
Game Maker for Mac
Also known as "GM4Mac," YoYoGames released a version of Game Maker 7 (7.5.87) for Mac OS X; you may also want to click here (at your own risk)
Snow Leopard
Git 2.2.1
"The stupid content tracker"; a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
Snow Leopard
KBasic Professional 1.89
An alternative to VisualBasic 6 but uses Qt4; registration does not appear to be required to create apps
Snow Leopard
KDiff3 0.9.95
Use this to compare the contents of two files
Snow Leopard
KompoZer 0.8b3
A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML/CSS editor
Snow Leopard
LateralGM 16b3
A Java-based IDE for Game Maker projects; this version only supports GM6; install STIGMA using WINE (Win7 mode) if you need a way to convert newer projects for GM4Mac
Snow Leopard and Java
LEGO Digital Designer 3.0.11
A fun way to build with virtual LEGOs on a computer; export this and then open using LeoCAD on a newer computer to then export as a Blender or game engine-compatible model
Snow Leopard
Love 2D 0.8.0
"an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua"
Snow Leopard (Universal)
Love 11.1
An iOS build of Love2D
iOS 8 (Universal IPA; 32-bit and 64-bit)
Lazarus 1.6.2
Lazarus is an IDE for making applications using FreePascal; buggy
Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) with XCode, XCode Developer Tools, and FreePascal installed
Lazarus 2.0.12
Lazarus is an IDE for making applications using FreePascal; buggy
Snow Leopard with XCode, XCode Developer Tools, and FreePascal installed
Lua 5.1.4
Libraries for Lua 5.1.4
Snow Leopard
Lua 5.2
Libraries for Lua 5.2
Snow Leopard
Netbeans 6.9
A free and open-source IDE for Java and a few other languages
Snow Leopard
MegaZeux v2.93
Create role-playing games using ANSI/ASCII graphics
Snow Leopard
OHRRPGCE (2020-05-02-gorgonzola)
A free and open-source, easy way to make RPG games; the "game" app is required to play the RPG files
Snow Leopard
OpenRPG Maker 0.2.3
RPG game creation tool
Snow Leopard with QT4 installed; click here to download Qt OpenSource v4.8.7 installation package
Page 6.2
Python user interface designer; Page 6.2 uses Python 2
Snow Leopard
Python 2.7.14
"a high-level, general-purpose programming language"; temporarily turn back the clock to install due to "untrusted" issues
Snow Leopard
Python 3.5.2
"a high-level, general-purpose programming language"; temporarily turn back the clock to install due to "untrusted" issues
Snow Leopard
QB64 1.4
QB64 for Mac OS X; it's like 'QuickBasic 4.5' but with extra, modern functions
Snow Leopard
Qt Creator OpenSource 2.8.1
Use this to create Qt-based interfaces
Snow Leopard and you will want to install Qt OpenSource 4.8.7 first
Qt OpenSource 4.8.7
Use this to install the latest compatible version of Qt for 32-bit Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
Ren'Py 6.14.1
A free and open-source visual novel engine
Snow Leopard
A free and open-source DOOM WAD editor
Snow Leopard
Scratch 1.4
A free and open-source game engine that is normally done in a web browser, but this is the desktop version for 1.4
Snow Leopard
Tiled 0.10.0
Tiled map editor; mainly used for 2D game development
Snow Leopard
Twine 2.0.4
Create interactive stories or presentations to run in a web browser
Snow Leopard
Unity 3.1.0
A game development engine; activation is required; this is a very old version, so good luck
Snow Leopard
Wolf3D v2.1
An iOS version of Wolfenstein 3D; you may be able to replace the map files and so forth within the IPA; do so at your own risk
Jailbroken iOS 4.3
XCode Developer Tools for v3.1.4
XCode 3.x did not include "Developer Tools," such as being able to run 'clang' from the command-line, for example, so you may want to install this. The structure you see in this link's directory needs to be the same when you run the meta-package (*.mpkg) installer
Snow Leopard
XCode 4 and iOS SDK 4.3
This is XCode 4.0 with the SDK to build iOS 4.3 apps included; you can have both XCode 3.x and 4.x installed IF you make sure to install XCode 4 to a different folder than "/Developer"; just make another as "/Developer_XCode4" and point the installer there
Snow Leopard
XCode Developer Tools for v4.2
XCode 4.x did not include "Developer Tools," such as being able to run 'clang' from the command-line, for example, so you may want to install this. The structure you see in this link's directory needs to be the same when you run the meta-package (*.mpkg) installer; it should also update XCode 4.0 to 4.2... I think...
Snow Leopard

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