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Apple Educational Software32-bit Intel and older Click here for manuals, magazines, tutorials, and etc. |
Title |
Description |
Requirements |
3D chemistry modeling program | ||
An incredible note-taking program that feels like a virtual notebook with a ton of features, including built-in handwriting recognition when searching; exported PDF is searchable; can also be used to annotate PDFs; "Documents On" friendly for GNU/Linux users; click here for a YouTube video; using your own [dark-themed] templates may help save battery | ||
A graphing calculator; however, you still may want to install PCalc RPN Calculator v2.3.3 | ||
A free and open-source statistics program | ||
An application for learning musical score notation | ||
Mac OS X version of GNU Octave, a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations | ||
A scientific calculator; no graphing capability; iOS devices setup without an E-Mail/iCloud account are missing the default calculator app | ||
A real-time, realistic planetarium; use to figure out where object are in the sky based on your location and time; no Internet required | ||
Planetarium; use this to map your current night sky; you can even set it up to point and identify based on location (manual or automatic) and built-in gyros (after calibration); no Internet required |