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Apple Office Software

32-bit Intel and older

Click here for manuals, magazines, tutorials, and etc.




Calibre 1.48.0
A free and open-source ebook organizer, downloader, and has tools to export to devices
Snow Leopard
CoolReader 3.0.56
A free and open-source ebook viewer; supports fb2, txt, rtf, doc, html epub, chm, mobi, prc, azw, pdb, pml, and zip
Snow Leopard
Data Crow v3.9.21
A Java-based (JRE 1.6+) application for cataloging things, such as books, comics, music, software, pictures, etc.
JRE 1.6 or higher
Gnucash 2.6.20-2
A free and open-source accounting program
Snow Leopard
GoodNotes v4.11.8
An incredible note-taking program that feels like a virtual notebook with a ton of features, including built-in handwriting recognition when searching; exported PDF is searchable; can also be used to annotate PDFs; "Documents On" friendly for GNU/Linux users; click here for a YouTube video; using your own [dark-themed] templates may help save battery
Jailbroken iOS 8+
Gutenprint 5.1.7
Formerly "Gimp-Print," Gutenprint is a collection of free-software printer drivers for use with UNIX spooling systems, such as CUPS, LPR, and LPRng; you may also want usbtb 1.0.17 if you need to use an adapter to connect an older printer
Snow Leopard
Comes with the latest 32-bit iOS by default; great for reading PDFs and ePubs; supports encrypted PDFs; can add books using a newer file manager or Safari rather than iTunes
iWork 09
Apple iWork 09 productivity suite including Pages, KeyNote, Numbers
Leopard (Universal)
iWork 09 Update
After installing iWork 09, use this to update it
Leopard (Universal)
Keynote v1.7.2
It is a presentation creation/viewing program; exports to Numbers, PDF, and PowerPoint
Jailbroken iOS 5.1
free and open-source office suite; click here for a recommended list of supported extensions
PowerPC G4/G5 | Mac OS X (32-bit Intel)
MacTeX (2016/10/09)
Packages needed to create documents using TeX or LaTeX; you only need the two largest; the extras includes a copy of Lyx, which is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) LaTeX editor
Snow Leopard
Murasaki 1.0.2
A scroll-based ePub reader for OS X; opens much faster than Calibre's ebook viewer
Snow Leopard
Numbers v1.7.3
Use this to create spreadsheets; exports to Numbers, PDF, and Excel
Jailbroken iOS 5.1
Pages v1.7.2
Use this to create documents; exports to Pages, PDF, and Word
Jailbroken iOS 5.1
Printer Pro v3.3.1.0
Before their was "Air Print," devices needed a bit more help finding and adding printers connected to the same router
Jailbroken iOS 5
Scribus 1.4.5
A free and open-source desktop publishing program
Snow Leopard
Skim 1.4.29
A PDF reader and note-taker for MAC OS X
Snow Leopard
Sigil 0.6.1
A free and open-source ePub editor
Snow Leopard

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