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GNU/Linux Office Software



  • AntConc - freeware corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis
  • AbiWord - Compose, edit, and view documents; listed because of Collaborate feature
  • Calibre - E-book library management
  • CoolReader - fast and small cross-platform XML/CSS based eBook reader for desktops and handheld devices
  • Dictionary (Xfce4) - a client program to query different dictionaries
  • Efax-gtk - GUI front end for the efax fax program
  • espeakedit - eSpeak voice editor
  • Font Manager - preview, compare, and manage fonts
  • FreeMedForms - open source electronic medical/health record
  • Gespeaker - a GTK+ frontend for eSpeak and mbrola
  • Gnumeric - spreadsheet editor
  • Gourmet - collect, search, organize, and browse your recipes
  • HomeBank - free, easy, personal accounting for everyone
  • gscan2pdf - a GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents
  • ISO Master - an ISO image editor
  • K3b - KDE CD burning program with ripping tool; however, if installing KDE stuff is an issue, use Brasero
  • KeepNote - Note-taking application; similar to MyNotex but cross-platform
  • LibreOffice - a free and open-source office suite
  • Lyx - an easy to use WYSIWYG LaTeX editor; document processor to create scholastic[or boring]-looking articles, research papers, etc.
    • NOTE: If wanting to format a paper as APA (American Psychological Association), make sure to install 'texlive-publishers' and 'texlive-bibtex-extra'; then, use the "Tools -> Reconfigure" option in LyX and restart the program.
  • Maps - a simple maps application
  • Mendeley Desktop - a free reference manager and an academic social network
  • MyNotex - take and manage textual notes; the best note-taking program I've seen so far
  • novelWriter - use Markdown to write novels
  • OpenEMR - open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution
  • OpenTaxSolver - a free, safe + secure program for calculating Tax Form entries for Federal and State personal income taxes
  • Osmo - personal organizer
  • PDF-Shuffler - PDF merging, rearranging, splitting, rotating, and cropping
  • Pyspread - Python spreadsheet application
  • Qalculate - a powerful and easy to use calculator
  • qpdfview - a tabbed PDF viewer using Qt and the Poppler library
  • sprsht - a very lightweight, 32-bit, fltk-based spreadsheet program | Source
  • Twine - write interactive stories and presentations
  • Xfburn - simple CD/DVD burning tool
  • Xournal - an application for notetaking, sketching, and/or keeping a journal using a stylus
  • Xournal++ - like Xournal but more cross-platform, extra features, and updated
  • xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X
  • abook - text-based address book program
  • aiksaurus - English-language thesaurus
  • ascii - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
  • asciinema - terminal session recorder
  • aspell - interactive spell-checker
  • bc - an arbitrary precision calculator language; however, I recommend using 'python' even for just basic math instead
  • cal, ncal - displays a calendar and the date of Easter
  • calcurse - ncurses organizer
  • cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
  • catdoc - reads MS-Word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output
  • catppt - reads MS-PowerPoint file and puts its content on standard output
  • cdw - front-end for cdrecord, mkisofs, growisofs, mkudffs and other tools
  • dav - a minimalist ncurses-based text editor
  • dict - a client for the Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT)
  • dvdauthor - assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable DVD filesystem
  • dvd+rw-mediainfo - creates a slideshow movie in DVD video format from a list of pictures and effects
  • ecasound - sample editor, multitrack recorder, fx-processor, etc.
  • echo - display a line of text
  • efax - send/receive faxes with Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem
  • emojis - a unicode emoji table
  • espeak - a multi-lingual software speech synthesizer
  • fbgs - Poor man's PostScript/pdf viewer for the linux framebuffer console
  • festival - a text-to-speech system
  • gitview - an ASCII/HEX file viewer; part of the GNU Interactive Tools
  • gnuplot - an interactive plotting program
  • hledger-ui - curses-style interface for the hledger accounting tool
  • hnb - Hierarchical notebook
  • less - opposite of more
  • look - check for an English word, from the dictionary, in case of confusion, right from the shell
  • mapscii - a Braille and ASCII world map renderer for your console
  • markdown - convert text to html
  • mdp - a command-line based markdown presentation tool
  • more - file perusal filter for crt viewing
  • nano - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
  • nl - outputs the content of text file with lines numbered
  • OpenTaxSolver - a free, safe + secure program for calculating Tax Form entries for Federal and State personal income taxes
  • pandoc - general markup converter
  • patat - Presentations Atop The ANSI Terminal
  • poppler-utils - PDF utilities (based on Poppler)
  • presentty - console-based presentation software
  • python - it's a programming language, but it's listed here because most CLI calculators just can't compete
  • rubber - a building system for LaTeX documents
  • spell - calls the Ispell utility; install if you want spell-checking for nano
  • sc - spreadsheet calculator
  • script - make typescript of terminal session
  • sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
  • soffice - use --headless flag to edit/convert documents; comes with LibreOffice or OpenOffice
  • tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
  • tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
  • termgraph - a python command-line tool which draws basic graphs in the terminal
  • termtosvg - renders your command line sessions as standalone SVG animations
  • tesseract - command-line OCR engine
  • touch - change file timestamps
  • tpp - Text Presentation Program
  • tudu - a command-line tool to manage TODO lists hierarchically
  • txt2html - convert plain text file to HTML
  • txt2man - convert flat ASCII text to man page format
  • unhtml - strip the HTML formatting from a document or the standard input stream and display it to the standard output
  • unoconv - convert any document from and to any LibreOffice supported format
  • when - a minimalistic personal calendar program
  • wikipedia2text - displays Wikipedia entries on the command line
  • wkhtmlto[image,pdf] - 'wkhtmltoimage' converts HTML to an image while 'wkhtmltopdf' converts HTML to a PDF
  • wordgrinder - console-based word processor
  • wyrd - a text-based front-end to remind(1), a sophisticated calendar and alarm program
  • xlsx2csv - convert xlsx xml files to csv format

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